VirES for Swarm - Custom File Format

This document describes format of the custom data files which can uploaded to the VirES for Swarm service and visualized together with the Swarm, models and auxiliary data offered by the service.

Generic Data Description

The uploaded data file is expected to contain a multi-variate time series of observations (records). Each of the records shall have a time-stamp and geo-location (ITRF latitude, longitude and radius) and any number of additional named variables.

The ITRF latitude and longitude are mandatory. The radius is optional, but when not provided, the geomagnetic models and magnetic coordinates requiring exact position cannot be evaluated. It is, therefore, recommended to always provide the complete set of coordinates, including the radius.

The additional variables can be of a scalar or vector numerical type.

The vector variables will be decomposed to its scalar components.

While any input variable is allowed, there are special variables which are interpreted similarly as the equivalent Swarm product variables, e.g., magnetic model residuals can be calculated for F and B_NEC variables.

The time-stamps do not need to be ordered.

The data can be uploaded in the CDF and CSV data formats.

The input data are internally converted in the CDF data format. The timestamps are internally converted to CDF_EPOCH (UTC, 1ms precision).

Details of the data formats are described in the following sections.

CDF File Format Description

The CDF file structure is expected to be similar to the format of the Swarm satellite products (e.g., MAGx_LR_1B) or data downloaded via the VirES Web Client (

Each separate CDF file variable is expected to have the same amount of records as the time-stamp. If not, the variable is ignored.

The CDF variables are described in the following table.

CDF Variables

Field Mandatory Description Units Dim Data Type
Timestamp yes Time of observation UTC 1 CDF_EPOCH or CDF_EPOCH16 or CDF_TIME_TT2000
Latitude yes Position in ITRF – Geocentric latitude deg 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude yes Position in ITRF – Geocentric longitude deg 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Radius no Position in ITRF – Radius (required to calculate QD-coordinates, MLT, and magnetic models) m 1 CDF_DOUBLE
F no Magnetic field intensity (required to calculate model residuals) nT 1 CDF_DOUBLE
B_NEC no Magnetic field vector, NEC frame (required to calculate model residuals) nT 3 CDF_DOUBLE
any no arbitrary custom variable any any any CDF number data type

CSV File Format Description

The CSV file structure is similar to the CSV data downloaded from VirES ( and these downloaded data can be uploaded back without modification.

The CSV file uses comma as a delimiter and it is required to have a header (first line) defining the names of the records' fields. Each record is is required to have the same number of values as the header.


Each records is required to have a time-stamp defined as

The Time-stamps' UTC offsets are accepted and interpreted (internally converted to UTC). Time-stamps without a UTC offset are interpreted as UTC times, e.g., 2019-06-12T09:35:27.123 and 2019-06-12T09:35:27.123Z are therefore the same times.

If both Timestamp and MJD200 are present, the Timestamp is used as the record time-stamp.

Vector Fields

Vector fields are encoded as semicolon ; separated list of values enclosed by curly brackets {}, e.g.


In the special case of the B_NEC vector variable, the B_NEC vector is automatically composed from the B_N, B_E, B_C scalar component if B_NEC is missing and all three B_N, B_E, B_C variables are present in the CSV input data.

CDF Variables

Field Mandatory Description Units Dim Data Type
Timestamp yes if MJD2000 not present Time of observation UTC 1 RFC-3339
MJD2000 yes if Timestamp not present Time of observation MJD2000 1 float
Latitude yes Position in ITRF – Geocentric latitude deg 1 float
Longitude yes Position in ITRF – Geocentric longitude deg 1 float
Radius no Position in ITRF – Radius (required to calculate QD-coordinates, MLT, and magnetic models) m 1 float
F no Magnetic field intensity (required to calculate model residuals) nT 1 float
B_NEC no Magnetic field vector, NEC frame (required to calculate model residuals), automatically composed from B_N, B_E, B_C when present nT 3 float
B_N no Magnetic field vector's northing component nT 1 float
B_E no Magnetic field vector's easting component nT 1 float
B_C no Magnetic field vector's radial component (center oriented) nT 1 float
any no arbitrary custom variable any any integer or float

The float means a decimal representation of the double-precision floating-point number, e.g., -8.5, 1e-5, nan, or -inf.